Trivia Recap – Game #824 – Virtual Sporcle Events (Two- Hour Game)

We haven’t officially become a “hybrid” work model trivia team, by playing some games without pants (does anyone wear pants during Zoom video meetings) and actually getting dressed and going out to bars for trivia battles.

Yes, we know what “hybrid work model” REALLY means! 😏

What we didn’t know during the game was what the H in VHS meant, what media personality launched 818 Tequila, which actress played a character named CJ Clegg, and couldn’t spot a book from its opening lines. Also we’ve forgotten hand symbols for ASL (forgive me, my cop uncle taught me those decades ago).

We’re pretty much an exclusive “bar trivia” team now! Though we definitely don’t play as much as we did in the pre-Plague days.

That being said, we played our first virtual trivia game since August, 2023 on a recent Wednesday evening. We had four official players in the mix, special shout out to 16 year old Natalie N. for helping us out on some modern music questions! We finished in third overall, missed the second final question about American Sign Language (sorry Uncle Tom)🙄

Players in the mix were me (Heb), my husband Mike, Dave K. and “Mr. E,” joining us for the first time for trivia in many, many moons. Does his nickname make him sound like a character on Scooby-Doo? There actually was a villain named that on Mystery Inc (a SD series).

Game One/Round One

1 Apples – What type of apple that is possibly a hybrid originated with a single tree in West Virginia that was known locally as Mullins’ Yellow Seedling?

2 Math – Elementary, Boolean and abstract are among the branches of what type of mathematics?

3 Film Series – Scheduled to be released in July, 2024, the film subtitled Axel F is the fourth in what action comedy film series?

4 Tech – What does the H stand for in VHS, the dominant videotape format in the 1980s and 1990s?


Mystery Round One – 1990s TV Anagrams

Decipher the anagram to reveal the title of a TV series that primarily aired in thr 1990s. One of the shows performers and the debut year are also given.

M1 Ted Wore Symbol, Ben Savage, 1993

M2 Gin Sling Veil, Queen Latifah, 1993s

M3 Where Cow Hydrates, Diedrich Bader, 1995

M4 Tiny Pics, Barry Bostwick, 1996

Got all of these (teamwork)!

Round Two

5 Hit Songs Name one of the two songs by SZA that ranked in the top ten of the 2023 year-End Hot 100 chart.

NERD POINT – Name both.

Thanks Natalie!

6 Drinks – An ochoko and a masu are types of cups used to serve what alcoholic beverage?

Oh the memories a Korean guy bringing this on a cabin trip in the early 2000s and not shutting up about how this stuff will “f— you up!”

7 Websites- The stock photography websites Pixabay and Pexels are both subsidiaries what graphic design platform founded in 2013 and headquartered in Australia?

8 Countries – What country in Northern Europe is known as the “Land of a Thousand Lakes,” although the actual number is closer to 180,000, the largest of which is Saimaa?

Mystery Round Two “I’m Just Ken”

Give the first and last names of the people described in the following clues, all of whom have first names beginning with the letters KEN, in that order

M1 Filmmaker and historian known for the documentary series The Civil War, Baseball and Jazz

M2 TV personality who was featured on the E! reality series The Girl Next Door and who went on to have multiple reality series of her own

M3 Rapper who released the albums To Pimp a Butterfly and Damn

M4 Media personality who launched the tequila brand 818 Tequila in 2021

Turned in our answers too early, Mr. E thought of the right person for #4 after we submitted our answers!

Final Category- High Grossing Films

The ten highest-grossing movies at the domestic box office starring Michelle Yeoh include seven films that are sequels or installments in established franchises. Name two of the other three films, all of which grossed more than Memoirs of a Geisha.

Game Two/Round Three

9 Months – Which month of the year has a name that may be derived from the Latin word for “to open,” which refers to the season of the year when trees begin to bud?

10 Cities – What is the fourth most populous city in Ohio, and the most populous whose name doesn’t start with C?

11 Organizations – The Pink Boots Society is a non-profit organization that “aims to assist, inspire and encourage women and non-binary individuals in what industry? FB clue.

12 Parodies – What character in the 1987 film Spaceballs is a parody of Yoda from the Star Wars franchise?

13 TV Actresses – Bonnie Plunkett and CJ Cregg are characters that have been played in at least 150 episodes of two different TV series by what actress?

NERD POINT – Name those two series.

14 Rocks – Among the three main classes of rock,which one accounts for the majority of rocks on land?

15 Logos – Which MLB team has a primary logo that features a specific item that was commissioned in 1752?

16 Books -What 1985 novel opens with the following lines?

“We slept in what had once been the gymnasium, the floor was of varnished wood, with stripes and circles painted on it, for the games that were openly played there?


Mystery Round Four

Fill in the Blank with the H word that completes the title of an album that was #1 on the Billboard Hot 200 chart in the 2020s.

M1 BLANK Than Never

M2 Harry’s BLANK

M3 After BLANK

M4 BLANK and Now

Thanks again, Natalie!

Final Category – Languages

There are three letters in the American Sign Language alphabet in which at least three fingers are held straight up. Name two of those three letters.


One thought on “Trivia Recap – Game #824 – Virtual Sporcle Events (Two- Hour Game)

  1. r1 golden delicious, algebra, Beverly hills cop, home

    m1 boy meets world, living single, the drew Carey show, spin city

    r2 snooze/kill bill, sake, Australia, Finland

    m2 ken burns, kendra Wilkinson, Kendrick Lamar, Kendall Jenner

    F crazy rich Asians, everything everywhere all at once, crouching tiger hidden. Dragon

    r3April, toledo, Brewing, yogurt

    m3 Donald Faison, Anna Kournikova, Chris Evans, her

    r4 Allison Janney (did not write down bonus answer), sedimentary. Phillies, handmaid tale

    m4 happier, house, hours, here

    f f, b, w

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